Thursday, August 14, 2008

How to watch and play Internet videos on iPod touch and iPhone 3G?

I have thought that i could watch online videos besides Youtube on iPhone or iPhone 3G without limit. I did my best to search everywhere for the answer without luck!

Someone recommend the iTransmogrify!. OK, it realy do something for me.
At the beginning, it is misleading that it can make me watch any videos from any site after i bookmark the iTransmogrify!. Not so. It can only enable you to watch videos which embed Flash content from YouTube.
I was going to watch yahoo video, it asked for Flash Player, but i could not reach it.

I opened '', the left bigger screen video from Youtube can be played using iTransmogrify!, but when i clicked at the others small shows, nothing happened.
Disappointment cover my sky! Can i conclude that there is no way to watch any video on the internet with the iphone/ipod touch so far?

Below is a step by step video from Youtube about how to bookmark iTransmogrify!, at
least, it can enable you watch embeded Youtube videos from other sites.

As i tried so much, maybe the only way to watch wonderful online videos besides Youtube
and embeded Youtube videos is to download the videos first and then convert it to ipod/iphone format.
You must have heard Videodownloader. This is a plug-in for Firefox. It enables you capture streaming video from website.

Download site:
Here is a demo for you about how to use Videodownloader:

But i used to Realplayer. Check 'Enable browser download button' checkbox while you are installing the tool.

Open a video site in Firefox and select one, a little pop window with 'Download This Video' will appear above the right corner of the video.

Ok, that's all, i am going to take iSkysoft Video Converter for Mac as an example to introduce how to convert dowloaded videos to ipod/iphone/iphone 3g on mac at the next topic.

Related Articles: How to download online sharing videos on mac!

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